lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011



The conditional is used in English when you have to form sentences that are related and affect each other.

In English used 4 types of conditional depending on the situation. Here we show the differences between different types of conditionals in English:


The zero conditional is used when the condition and consequence are always true. It is used for example in scientific facts or situations that we know with certainty to be true.

structure :

   condition         result
present simple   present simple


-if you go out without an umbrella, you get wet
-If I work too much, I get tired. 
-If you freeze water, it turns into ice.
-If people eat too much, they get fat.
-If babies are hungry, they cry.


The first conditional talks about the possible actions or events that may occur or not. the
starting with the if conditional sentence and is usually in this simple, while prayer
principal usually goes in the future with "will" and describes what will happen if the condition is true or not
comes to pass.


   condition         result
present simple
futuro con will

-If it rains today, I'll stay at home.
-If you feel sick, you must stay in bed.
-I won't go, If it rains.
-If he doesn't do his homework, he can not go to the party.
-If he studies, he will pass the exam.

second conditional

The second conditional  is a structure used for talking about unreal situations in the present or in the future.
We always talk about conditions that exist at the moment and not something that happened or could happen in the past.

     if               condition                         result
     if             past simple             would + base verb

-I would buy a big house if I had a million dollars.
-If they won the lottery, they wouldn't work any more.
-If I had more money, I would buy a nice apartment.
-If I win the baloto, I would buy a house.
-If I were president, would fix the country.

third conditional

We can use the Third Conditional to talk about 'impossible' conditions, impossible because they are in the past and we cannot change what has happened.


               condition                         result
              past perfect       would have + past participle

-If I had won the lottery, I would have traveled around the world.
-If I had understood the lesson, I would have approved the test.
-if I had made ​​the task of English, I would have won the matter.
-if I had graduate, I would have gotten a good job.
-If I hadn't forgotten his number, I would have phoned him.